Interested in applying for financial aid at Pittsburgh Seminary?
Applicants receive access to the Seminary’s financial aid application after they have completed and submitted the online admissions application. An e-mail with login information to our candidate portal will be sent within 48 hours after application. The financial aid application is located in our applicant portal.
If you have not completed the online admissions application and would like to speak to our Financial Aid director regarding your particular situation, or have questions regarding financial options, .
The Department of Education prohibits the transmission of personally identifiable information (ex. social security number) by unsecured e-mail.
Merit scholarships are awarded based upon your admissions application and are given on a first-come, first-served basis across all programs. Please check the admissions deadline for your program of study to ensure timely submission of your application.
All new students must submit a PTS Financial Aid Application to be evaluated for institutional grants and graduate assistantships. Applications will only be considered for the specified length of the degree program. There are separate applications for those enrolled in the master's programs and the doctoral program. All complete applications are processed on a “first come, first served” basis until funds are exhausted.
Returning students will complete a financial aid recertification form each year to maintain their need-based financial aid package.
** PTS reserves the right to request additional tax information from both incoming and returning students in order to maintain an equitable and fair awarding process for all students.
By Mail:
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Financial Aid Office
616 North Highland Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
By Fax:
Microsoft OneDrive:
Request an invite to upload your documents to a secure Microsoft OneDrive file by e-mailing
The Department of Education prohibits the transmission of personally identifiable information (ex. social security number) by unsecured e-mail.
All students who desire to take out a federal Direct Loan must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA, with the Department of Education.
The FAFSA collects information used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The Department of Education provides the information to the school to help determine eligibility for institutional aid, outside scholarships, federal loans, and private loans.
There is no charge to file the FAFSA. It may be filed electronically or with the paper form.
Students are encouraged to apply online with FAFSA on the web at Help is available at 800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).
Students are encouraged to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IDR) while completing the FAFSA. This simplifies the process by allowing the filer to download income tax information directly into the FAFSA. By entering PTS's Federal School Code, G03356, the Financial Aid Office will be able to download your information.
After filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), masters-level students must submit a Federal Direct Loan Request Form to the Financial Aid Office. Be sure to submit the form for classes taken in Summer, Fall/Spring, and/or the J-Term.
PTS does not certify federal loans for the Doctor of Ministry program or certificate-only enrollment.
New borrowers are required to complete a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN). The MPN is a legally binding agreement to repay the loan. In most cases, one MPN can be used for loans over 10 years of study. A valid MPN may follow the student through undergraduate and graduate school.
A Direct Loan Entrance Counseling Session must be completed before the loan funds may pay into the school. This is a federal regulation for first-time borrowers.
ALL student loan borrowers must complete an Annual Loan Acknowledgement certifying that they have reviewed the amount of loans they have borrowered from the federal government.
Students should plan to visit the Financial Aid Office to discuss loan options and repayment.
For additional details about Direct Loans, visit Applying for a Loan.
The federal government has a process called "verification." PTS may verify the FAFSA items that are selected for verification by the federal government's Central Processing System and/or exhibit conflicting information. The Seminary's Financial Aid Office will notify students if they are selected and advise them regarding required documentation.
If the school has conflicting information concerning the student's eligibility, or the Financial Aid Office has any reason to believe that the student's application information is incorrect, the discrepancies must be resolved before any institutional or federal funds can be disbursed.
PTS Verification Forms can be found at Financial Aid Forms and Helpful Links.
The Department of Education will e-mail a reminder to complete the FAFSA Renewal Online. A FAFSA must be completed each year with the "prior-prior" year's financial data.
Applying for a New Loan
Students who wish to take out a loan will need to repeat the process for taking out a loan each year.
Students do NOT have to complete a new Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note or Federal Entrance Counseling Session but must submit a new Direct Loan Request Form to the Financial Aid Office each year. After grades are posted in June, loan processing will begin for the new academic year. However, students MUST complete the Annual Loan Acknowledgment each year they take out a loan.
PTS Grants and Scholarships
A student's PTS need-based aid is renewable for the duration of their time in the program, as long as they continue to meet the requirements for maintaining eligibility. Students must simply submit a Recertification of Financial Aid form each year.
Merit scholarships are awarded to incoming students. Funds are automatically renewed if students meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements (SAP) stated on the contract.
PTS does not process federal loans for the Doctor of MInistry degree. For more information on applying for a private loan, visit the Loans section of the PTS website or contact a lender of your choice.