Tuition 2025-2026

The Board of Directors of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary has approved the following tuition, rent, and fees for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Seminary reserves the right to make changes in all tuition, housing rent, fees, and financial aid policies without prior notice.

Learn more about the Seminary's Cost of Attendance for master's, doctoral, and certificate students.



The Board of Directors of the Seminary has determined that students must be adequately covered with health insurance. It is important that this cost be included in each student's estimate of expenses. Verification of an existing policy is due upon registration for each semester of attendance. Premium insurance coverage is compulsory for international students.

Comprehensive Fee

This fee covers technology items such as student computer laboratories, specialized software, hardware, and databases plus the costs for the student association activities throughout the year.  This fee is charged each academic term to all students and is billed to the students’ account. Below is the current fee structure per term.


Semester Amount
Fall/Spring (Summer/Winter for DMin) $200/semester
Summer (Master's) $100
J-Term (Master's) $50


Billed tuition, rent, and fees are payable, in full, by the 15th day of the following month (for example: Student billing statements dated Sept. 30 are due no later than Oct. 15). Seminary policy requires all students' account balances to be paid in full before they can register for the following semester. The Seminary accepts cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover for payment. Please make checks payable to Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (or PTS). Credit card payments are accepted online at MyPTS or in person at the Business Office.

All Seminary charges and fees are payable in U.S. funds. Foreign checks or money orders must have the U.S. bank with which they are affiliated printed on the check or money order. Additional fees may be assessed for foreign checks or money orders. If checks are returned to us by the bank for the reason of insufficient funds, an additional fee of $25 will be assessed.