Thanks for your interest in the Lenten Resource Kit from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary!

Faculty Sermons e-Book

As you prepare for the Lenten season, we hope that you’ll find these reflections by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary faculty scholars to be helpful. Perhaps these sermons will inspire your own message, lead to a small group Bible study, or simply bring you closer to God—the One who in Christ has drawn close to us. DOWNLOAD THE LENTEN SERMONS E-BOOK

Listen to Lenten Sermon Audio Files

What Color is Lent? Steven Tuell, Deuteronomy 7:6-11

Trusting God in the Wilderness Leanna Fuller, Luke 4:1-13

Let Go of Jesus John Burgess, Luke 24:13-35

Twin Doubts L. Roger Owens, John 20:24-31


What is Lent? Video

Share this video with your youth group, Bible study, or congregation to help answer the question "What is Lent?".

"See My Hands" Video

This video looks at the stories related to Jesus' hands throughout the Gospels and could easily be used as a media presentation during a worship service, as part of a sunrise celebration, or as a jumping off point for an adult or youth education class. Be creative! DOWNLOAD LESSON PLAN

Psalm 131 - Original Liturgical Translation

Jazz musician, Hebrew scholar, and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary graduate Jeremy Fisher set his original liturgical translation of Ps 131 to music. Please share this with your church group during worship (lyrics provided) or use the lesson plan in an adult education class to compare the King James, Revised Standard, and this original version.





Consider adapting this template for your worship service. Insert your Scripture passage, Call to Worship, hymns, announcements, or whatever else you may need! DOWNLOAD THE POWERPOINT