Academic Effectiveness

The academic programs of the Seminary are designed to prepare leaders to serve the church in a broad variety of ministry situations, both traditional and emerging. Some of our graduates are completing their first professional degree while others are expanding their education through certificates, second degrees or the Doctor of Ministry program.

Each year graduates are asked to complete the Graduating Student Questionnaire (GSQ) which is produced by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). For this report we have chosen to only focus on those items which are most clearly related to outcomes and educational effectiveness.  

GSQ Table 15 (All Graduates): Educational Effectiveness in Facilitating Skill Levels

This chart provides information which indicates student perceptions about how their academic programs and overall experiences in the Seminary have prepared them for future work. The chart presents average results for the last three years of the survey for both PTS and all ATS institutions.

Additional information is available in our Statement of Student Achievement and Educational Effectiveness


Overall Satisfaction with Preparation and Experience

Each academic program has specific outcomes and general program goals. While these are very important there are other factors that contribute either directly or indirectly to educational effectiveness.

Again, the Graduating Student Questionnaire (GSQ) provides useful information in this area. For this report we have chosen to only focus on those items which are most clearly related to outcomes and educational effectiveness.

GSQ Table 20 (Graduates): Level of Satisfaction with School’s Services and Academic Resources

This chart provides information which indicates the most recent results for student perceptions about how the Seminary’s services and academic resources contributed to their overall success. The chart presents average results for the last three years of the survey for both PTS and all ATS institutions.

Additional information is available in our Statement of Student Achievement and Educational Effectiveness

GSQ Table 21 (All Graduates – Selected Items): Overall Experience during Theological Program

This chart provides information which indicates student perceptions about their overall experience as a student at PTS. These data are a mixture of both academic and non-academic areas and were chosen based on the relationship to outcomes and educational effectiveness. The chart presents average results for the last three years of the survey for both PTS and all ATS institutions.  

Additional information is available in our Statement of Student Achievement and Educational Effectiveness

Learn more: Institutional OutcomesStudent AchievementProgram Completion and Placement