SYI Fellowship for Undergraduates Reference

MILLER SUMMER YOUTH INSTITUTE Fellowship for Undergraduates Program

The Miller Summer Youth Institute (SYI) at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary invite applications for its six-week living-learning program that will take place June 3-12, 2024, on the Seminary's campus. Successful applicants will receive $3,000 for full participation in the program. Room, board, travel stipends, and funding for activities in the City of Pittsburgh will also be provided.

The fellowship cohort will work with experts from congregations, non-profits, and from across higher education on the program theme, "Listening to the Land: Cultivating Hope through Spiritual Practice and Theological Reflection in a Time of Crisis." SYI fellows will also participate in experiential learning activities at Garfield Community Farm, our community partner for the summer. Fellows will have ample opportunity to engage in theologically formative activities intersecting with questions of vocational discernment, spiritual practice, and community development.

In order to comply with Public Law 93-380 (Buckley Amendment), this reference form will be shredded following our admissions decision and no record of it will be contained in the student's personal file. This is to protect the confidential nature of the information we are seeking.

SYI Fellowship for Undergraduates Reference Form

* required