Thank you for your interest in Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Housing Department! We are a small residential seminary that regularly offers overflow temporary housing to Pittsburgh graduate students from our local PCHE schools (CMU, PITT, Chatham, Duquesne, etc.). 

Please submit the housing application below to be put on the waitlist for the apartments that you have requested. The waitlist is compiled in the spring and the apartments are assigned throughout the summer as they become available. We have limited housing personnel and ask that you first review our campus housing website for housing information.

Student Housing Application

Contact Information

Demographic Information

Note: Roommates must fill out a separate application.

Note:This application is for graduate students only.

Housing Request

Please refer to the housing information on the housing website to help make your selection

Note: Move-in dates before 1 August are somewhat limited. Additionally, the Housing Office requires at a minimum, 2 weeks to process applications.

Important Information: Please Read before submitting your application.
•    As apartments become available, your waitlist spot is not confirmed until you have paid the fully refundable $300 Commitment Fee.  You can pay online:
Pay Housing Commitment Fee (Non-PTS Students)
Pay Housing Commitment Fee Online
•    After submitting this application, you will be placed on our waitlist for the apartments choices that you have requested.
•    Please know PTS does not accept walk-in housing inquiries. All housing inquiries must be directed to
•    Apartment tours are available--by appointment only--and after submitting an application.  Tours are arranged directly with housing personnel based upon current apartment availability.
•    We are a small institution with limited housing personnel and ask that you please review our campus housing website for additional questions:


* required