Enjoy this free Pentecost resources as we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension.
These Pentecost Liturgy resources were written by the Rev. Kendra Buckwalter Smith’12/’13, director of the Seminary’s worship program. We encourage you to use them in whole or in part.
Listen and sing along with the song "The Day the Holy Spirit Descended," translated from Miskito to Spanish and then English. The Miskito are an indigenous ethnic group in Central America. Shared by M.Div. grad Felicia Zamora.
Celebrate the Holy Spirit’s enabling people to hear the gospel in their own language by using one or several of these prayers, in 20 languages other than English, in your Pentecost worship service.
Use this Communion meditation by President Emeritus Sam Calian to inspire your congregation or gathering to total commitment to Christ.
Wondering what hymn or song you should use in your Pentecost service? Consider these suggested from the Rev. Kendra Buckwalter Smith ’12/’13, director of the worship program.
This painting was created by Robin Menard, marketing and communications specialist at Pittsburgh Seminary. The piece is also free to use in your Pentecost worship planning.
Use this quiz to test your knowledge about Pentecost—and to learn more about it!
Consider incorporating these child-friendly activities, created by the Rev. Dr. Anita Stuart-Steva ’04/’13, in your Pentecost worship service or as your Pentecost children’s “sermon.”
For Christians, the celebration of Pentecost imparts faith, hope, sharing of community, and awareness of a purpose much greater than themselves. Read this sermon by the Rev. Carolyn Cranston '99, director of alumnae/i and church relations.
This study begins with a reading of Acts 2. The guide then explores the relative scope of the geographic area represented in the Pentecost story compared to the United States and finally asks participants to think about regional dialects and their significance. You may choose to use it with a youth of adult Sunday School class, Bible study, small group, or for your own personal devotions. Compliments of the Seminary's Miller Summer Youth Institute.
The Rev. Dr. Steven Tuell, James A. Kelso Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Old Testament, shares his insights on Pentecost’s undoing of the confusion at Babel for your use as the basis for a sermon, adult Sunday school class, or Bible study.
In this 19-minute podcast, Dr. Edith Humphrey, William F. Orr Professor of New Testament, explores the pairing of John 7:37-52; 8:12 and Acts 2:1-11 to show Jesus’ promise and the fulfillment of his words. She goes on to consider how Pentecost, a multi-sensory event, was the undoing of the confusion of Babel and the fulfillment of the words of Amos and Ezekiel, not only for Israel, but also for the whole human race.
Let this sermon by Board Member the Rev. Dr. David Hosick ’76 guide your thinking about Jesus as the truth and growing in God’s truth through the guidance of the Holy Spirit—God’s gift to us on Pentecost.
These thoughtful background notes on Pentecost from retired Director of Continuing Education the Rev. Dr. Jim Davison ’69 provide a practical and biblical basis for a Bible study, Sunday school lesson, or sermon.
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