Library News

Christianity in china

Titles covering the history of the church in China, including the modern-day house church movement and its persecution. Located on the First floor.

June is Pride Month!

We are celebrating the LGBTQAI+ community early this year with our Pride display. This display contains titles that explores queerness in a multitude of theological areas, such as the Bible, trauma, faith, and ministry, to provide a better understanding of how religion and the LGBTQAI+ play a role in the world in the past, present, and future. Located on the Second floor.

A Wild and Sacred Call: Nature-Psyche-Spirit

Barbour Library's companion display to the May BookTalk with Dr. Will W. Adams features titles that connect our relationship with nature to our psychological and spiritual well-being. Located on the Second floor.

Sacred Spaces

Titles that explore the connection between worship spaces, historical/cultural context, and theology. Located on the Ground floor.

presbyterian and reformed storyTitles on the history, theology and notable clergy of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Presbyterian Church in America, Christian Reformed Church, Reformed Church in America, and other Presbyterian and Reformed denominations. Located on the First floor.

NEW Community Reads - A variety of patron-recommended items from the Barbour Library collection. Located on the First floor.

Display books are available for checkout!