Donations of many types of items have often benefited the Barbour Library collection and the PTS community. The Library is grateful to accept donated items for the collection when such items are included in the scope of the collection development policy, and are in good condition. The Library may also accept items to be given to students for free.
The library will generally not accept the following:
All materials gifted to the Library should be free of any conditions. If it is determined that donated books or media are not appropriate for the collection, the Library will either add these to the free-book shelves for students, give them to a non-profit organization, or will dispose of them in some other way.
While the Library does not provide appraisals or estimates of gifted items, donors may receive upon request a letter of acknowledgement that provides proof of the donation for tax purposes, and includes a brief description of the items (# of paperbacks and # of hardbacks).
Donations should be arranged through the User Services Librarian by calling the front desk (412-924-1354) or emailing Tisha Woo ( Please indicate the day and time you wish to bring the donation to the library, as well as any need for assistance in bringing them in.