To Whom Are We Neighbor? Churches and Communities Engaging in Anti-Racism Work Across Generations​: Kelso Lecture and Community Conversation on Race and Faith


March 17-18, 2023

Fri., March 17, 2023, Kelso Lecture
7:00 p.m. ET
The Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, President and CEO, Children’s Defense Fund and CDF Action Council
In-person and Online

Sat., March 18, 2023, Metro-Urban Institute Conference and Closing Service
8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. ET

Register for the lecture, conference, or both!


Join us for two days exploring how churches and communities can work together to facilitate anti-racism in their neighborhoods. Our conversation kicks off Friday with the Kelso Lecture, delivered by the Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson. Metro-Urban Institute’s conference filled with workshops, a panel discussion, worship, a community lunch, and resource fair follows on Saturday. All are welcome! 

This event is co-sponsored by the Seminary's Office of Continuing Education and Metro-Urban Institute. 

CEUs: 0.1 for Friday lecture, 0.3 for Saturday event


Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 616 N. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (lecture online and in person; conference in person only)


Contact the Metro-Urban Institute at or 412-924-1449.