Dr. Scott Hagley joined the Pittsburgh Seminary faculty in 2015 and currently serves as the W. Don McClure Associate Professor of World Mission and Evangelism. Formerly, he served as director of education at Forge Canada in Surrey, British Columbia, where he worked to develop curriculum for the formation of missional leaders in hubs across Canada. He also served as teaching pastor at Southside Community Church, a multi-site church in the Vancouver metro area organized around neighborhood-based missional communities. Hagley received a B.A. in youth ministry and communication from Bethel University, an M.Div. from Regent College, and a Ph.D. (with distinction) in congregational mission and leadership from Luther Seminary. His doctoral dissertation attended to the lived theology of an urban congregation in its public, evangelical, and missional dimensions. Hagley has also taught courses at Augsburg College, Rochester College, Bethel University, and Luther Seminary, and previously he was a consultant and researcher with Church Innovations Institute. He has lectured at denominational meetings and retreats on topics such as missional communities, faith, and spiritual formation. Beyond preaching, Hagley’s service to the church has been in the areas of research, education, and helping congregations cultivate better neighborhood partnerships. He has published numerous articles and book reviews on church- and mission-related topics. His most recent book is Eat What is Set Before You: A Missiology of the Congregation in Context (Urban Loft, 2019).
“Ministry and Other Difficult Jobs” Christian Century 141: 4 (April 2024):41-43 (co-authored with Karen Rohrer)
“In Defense of the Common Congregation” Presbyterian Outlook 206: 2 (February 2024): 22-25.
“Caught in the Undertow” Politics of Scripture Blog, Political Theology Network (January 15, 2024). https://politicaltheology.com/caught-in-the-undertow/
“The Commonplace Congregation” in Forming Leaders for the Public Church: Vocation in 21st-Century, Mary Sue Drier and Samuel Deressa, eds. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press): 44-56.
Sustaining Grace: Innovative Ecosystems for New Faith Communities, edited by Scott Hagley, Karen Rohrer, and Michael Gerhling. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2020.
“Religious Leadership for the Common Good,” Journal of Religious Leadership (Fall 2021).
“Free for Mission: Missional Church and Ethnographic Fieldwork,” Ecclesial Futures 1:1 (2020): 90-109.
“(Re)Placing the Congregation: Fieldwork and Congregational Place-Making,” Ecclesial Practices 6 (November 2019): 147-162.
“Faithful Presence: Ministry in the Ordinary, Everyday Events of Life,” Panorama 56 (Spring 2019), 4-6.
“Stop Chasing the Fly: Mars Hill and the Problem of Growth,” The Presbyterian Outlook (Nov. 18, 2021)
Eat What is Set Before You: A Missiology of the Congregation in Context (Urban Loft, 2019)
“A Present Witness: Incarnation, Participation, and the Spirit of God,” in What is Jesus Doing?: Divine Agency in the Life of the Church and the Work of the Pastor, (Eerdmans, 2018)
“The Street in the Sanctuary: Toward a Missiological ‘Turn’ in Urban Ministry,” in Ministry Beyond the Walls: Urban Contexts and Considerations (Westminster John Knox Press, 2018)
“Remember the Wine: Christian Hope, Practice, and New Church Development,” in Essays on the New Worshiping Communities Movement, ed. By Mark Hinds (Louisville: Witherspoon Press, 2018)