Certificate in Migrant Ministries

Ministering with Migrant Communities

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Why is it that God reminds us so frequently throughout Scripture to care for the sojourner or immigrant in our midst? Do you need tools and strategies to help your church accompany and advocate for immigrants in your community? Would you benefit from learning with a multicultural cohort of other PCUSA members and Central American partners in a six-month, weekly online program of leader formation focusing on the following?

  • Intercultural Studies: Intercultural communication and conflict, decoloniality, and cultural humility as foundational understandings for mission in the way of Jesus
  • Migration and the Theology of Migration: An analysis of the new face of migration; the needs and capacities of migrants, understanding migration from a biblical-theological perspective; the role of justice in God's mission; the theology of migration
  • Accompaniment and Advocacy: Case studies in social movement/church collaboration; the skills, capacities, and strategies needed to support migrants through an uncertain future

About the Non-credit Certificate in Migrant Ministries

God’s mission moves across lines of difference by building on human relationships. In this program, readings, presentations, and classroom interaction will all be translated/simultaneously interpreted into English/Spanish to allow learning and friendships to cross borders. It will form local leaders in Central America, Mexico, and the U.S. to work together in the Central American Migrant Mission Network to care for the migrants in our communities and to advocate for a more just future for all. The Network is a joint venture of Presbyterian Mission Agency, Frontera de Cristo (Mexico), The Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA/Guatemala), Calvinist Reformed Church of El Salvador, Presbyterian Church of Honduras, and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Participants who complete the program will be awarded the Seminary’s non-credit Certificate in Migrant Ministries.

The first cohort will be limited to 40 leaders and will meet together weekly from October through December 2024 and from February through April 2025. The cost of the entire program is $250 per participant; however, no applicant will be excluded due to lack of financial resources to make payment. Scholarships are available.

If you are interested in applying for the program—or if you know a potential leader in your community who could use the skills and encouragement of this highly interactive program—the application is available online. Apply by Sept. 18, 2024, to join us this fall. For more information about this opportunity, e-mail .