Pittsburgh Theological Seminary mourns the loss of the Rev. Dr. Donald (Don) E. Gowan, Robert C. Holland Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, who died Sept. 5, 2024. Dr. Gowan joined the faculty of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 1964 and was the first person installed into the Robert C. Holland Chair of Old Testament. He retired from PTS in 1998 and received emeritus status in 2003.

Dr. Gowan was a graduate of the University of South Dakota (B.A.), The University of Dubuque Theological Seminary (B.D.), and the University of Chicago (Ph.D.). He was a recognized scholar in the field of Old Testament studies and authored numerous books and articles, including The Triumph of Faith in Habakkuk, Theology in Exodus, Theology of the Prophetic Books, Bridge Between the Testaments, Shalom: A Study of the Biblical Concept of Peace, Reclaiming the Old Testament for the Christian Pulpit, and Ezekiel, a volume in the John Knox Preaching Series. Prior to coming to Pittsburgh Seminary, he served as chairperson of the Bible Department of North Texas State University and as pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Princeton, Iowa. His non-academic interests included music (both classical and jazz), gardening, woodworking, and reading mystery writers.

Widely sought as a preacher and teacher, Dr. Gowan showed concern for the practical implications and applications of his subject matter. “Much of my writing and lecturing is aimed at helping foster a more effective use of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, in preaching,” he once said. As a teacher, Dr. Gowan was mindful not only of his subject matter, but of his students as they came to his classroom. He hoped that his teaching method would serve as a model for later use by students in their own teaching ministries. “I make a strong effort to start where students are,” he said. “I try to create excitement about Bible study, first of all. And, I focus heavily on the text of the Bible, asking again and again: ‘What does it say?’” Through his work, Dr. Gowan hoped to “help produce ministers who are skilled interpreters of the Bible” and “encourage sound, biblical study of issues of great current interest.”

“Dr. Gowan’s commitment to sound interpretation of Scripture and conviction of its relevance to the world he inhabited is something we hope to continue to foster at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary,” said the Rev. Dr. Asa Lee, president of PTS. “His concern for students and commitment to the life of the Church is something we remember with gratitude today and are proud to call a part of our educational legacy.”

The Seminary’s recently renovated Clifford E. Barbour Library houses a visiting scholar study carrel named in honor of Dr. Gowan’s wife, Darlene, who preceded him in death.