Thanks for your interest in the Lent Resource Kit from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary!
From Lent through Easter is both an important and an especially busy time for pastors and Christian leaders. In these pages, some of Pittsburgh Seminary's faculty and program directors offer fresh insights and practical ideas to foster the spiritual nourishment of your congregation—and yourself. The informal remarks of these pastor-theologians have been excerpted from "Conversations with the Dean" (a video series developed last year) on a variety of topics relevant to Christian ministry and witness at this reflective and celebratory time in the church year. May they enrich your ministry and your soul. DOWNLOAD THE LENT REFLECTIONS E-BOOK
Join us each Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook Live March 1 - April 12, 2017, for this year's Coffee with the Dean converations about Lent.
Introduction with the Rev. Dr. Heather Vacek, Dean of Faculty
Week 1 (Ash Wednesday) with the Rev. Dr. Angela Hancock, Associate Professor of Homiletics and Worship
Week 2 with the Rev. Dr. Don Dawson, Retired Director, World Mission Initiative
Week 3 with Kimberly Gonxhe, Director, Metro-Urban Institute
Week 4 with the Rev. Anthony Rivera, Director of Admissions
Week 5 with the Rev. Dr. L. Roger Owens, Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality and Ministry
Week 6 with Kendra Buckwalter Smith, Worship Coordinator
Week 7 with the Rev. Cathy Brall, Director, Field Education
The Seminary's “Big Book of Lent Devotionals – Year 1” gives you a valuable resource for personal and corporate Spiritual formation during the Lent season. From Day 1 through Day 47 (Easter), each section includes multiple biblical passages from the daily lectionary, reflections based on those passages, and accompanying prayers based on each reflection. Seminary alumnae/i, faculty, staff, Board members, and students since 2015 have contributed to this resource as a means of blessing you not only in this Lent season but also in those to come!
Share this video with your youth group, Bible study, or congregation to help answer the question "What is Lent?".
This video looks at the stories related to Jesus' hands throughout the Gospels and could easily be used as a media presentation during a worship service, as part of a sunrise celebration, or as a jumping off point for an adult or youth education class. Be creative! DOWNLOAD LESSON PLAN
Jazz musician, Hebrew scholar, and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary graduate Jeremy Fisher set his original liturgical translation of Ps 131 to music. Please share this with your church group during worship (lyrics provided) or use the lesson plan in an adult education class to compare the King James, Revised Standard, and this original version.
Consider adapting this template for your worship service. Insert your Scripture passage, Call to Worship, hymns, announcements, or whatever else you may need! After clicking "Download the PowerPoint," be sure to "Save As" to enable editing and picture viewing. DOWNLOAD THE POWERPOINT
Rooted in the Reformed tradition, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary is committed to the formation of students for theologically reflective ministry and to scholarship in service to the global Church of Jesus Christ.
In addition to their on-campus duties, our faculty are experts in their fields and are available to preach and teach. Learn more about their topics of research and writing and invite them to present at your congregation or gathering.
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