Read and/or listen to daily meditations written by members of the Seminary community. Scroll down to learn more about the various ways you can read the daily messages.

Lent Devotional 

This year’s Lent Devotional was written by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary community. Thanks to all who contributed! And a special thanks to our students and friend of the Seminary Anthony Tuell who voiced this year's recordings.


Feb. 14, 2024 | The Rev. Carolyn Cranston ’99 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 15, 2024 | The Rev. Andrew Wirt ’10 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 16, 2024 | The Rev. Robin Sharp ’18 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 17, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. William Zachery Jr. ’12 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 18, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Rick Willhite ’86 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 19, 2024 | The Rev. Jelty Ochotan ’11 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 20, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey D. Sterling ’88/’98 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 21, 2024 | The Rev. Emily I. Miller ’07 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 22, 2024 | The Rev. Kristen Renee Barner ’97 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 23, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Scott Dennis ’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 24, 2024 | The Rev. Anthony R.C. Hita ’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 25, 2024 | The Rev. Annamarie Groenenboom ’17 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 26, 2024 | The Rev. Trevor Jamison ’01 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 27, 2024 | Lynn Cox ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 28, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Jonathan D. Lawrence ’97 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

Feb. 29, 2024 | The Rev. Erin Morey ’22 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 1, 2024 | The Rev. Connie B. Hoeke ’94 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 2, 2024 | The Rev. Darryl Lockie ’17 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 3, 2024 | Simeon Rodgers ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 4, 2024 | The Rev. B.T. Gilligan ’11 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 5, 2024 | Elizabeth Nicodemus ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 6, 2024 | The Rev. James Golla ’16 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 7, 2024 | Caroline Baker ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 8, 2024 | Raymond Pelling ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 9, 2024 | The Rev. Joshua Fisher ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 10, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Cindy Parker ’10 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 11, 2024 | The Rev. Ronnie Cox ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 12, 2024 | The Rev. Jeff Bergeson ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 13, 2024 | The Rev. Audra Krise ’10 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 14, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Tom Hoeke ’03 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 15, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Cole-Turner ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 16, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Graham D. S. Deans ’06 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 17, 2024 | The Rev. M. Catherine (Kay) Day ’97 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 18, 2024 | The Rev. Dr. Richard W. Wingfield ’02/’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 19, 2024 | The Rev. Rebecca Konegen ’22 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 20, 2024 | The Rev. Chad Bogdewic ’10/’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 21, 2024 | The Rev. Greg Steible ’14 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 22, 2024 | The Rev. Mark Allio ’11 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 23, 2024 | The Rev. Helen Kester ’06 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 24, 2024 | The Rev. Lauren Davis ’22 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 25, 2024 | The Rev. Drew Himes ’13 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 26, 2024 | The Rev. Sarita L. Robinson ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 27, 2024 | Nathan Salamacha ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 28, 2024 | Steffan Johnson ’23 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 29, 2024 | Jon Mathieu ’21 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 30, 2024 | The Rev. Alyce Weaver Dunn ’88 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio

March 31, 2024 | Wendy S. Farone ’20 | Online | PDF | Scripture Audio | Devotional Audio


Lent 2024 Resource Kit

Sermon Series on Communion and Missions

The Rev. Dr. Thomas Hoeke ’03 shares this six-part sermon series that he used to connect the sacrament of communion to the practice of missions, and to help his congregation begin celebrating communion every Sunday instead of once a month.

Download the sermon series.

Preaching from the Lectionary Video Series

Are you a Lectionary preacher? For many years, PTS created weekly commentary on Lectionary Scriptures for Lent, called "Coffee with the Dean." Many of these are now archived on the PTS YouTube page.

Palm Sunday Poem: “What Kind of King Are You?”

Use this poem, written and first published in 2023 by the Rev. Michael Gehrling ’08, to enhance your Palm Sunday worship.

Download "What Kind of King Are You?"

Ash Wednesday Hymn: “Ashes Alive”

Sung to the tune of “Morning Has Broken,” the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Sterling ’98/’08 has penned a beautiful hymn for use on Ash Wednesday.

Download "Ashes Alive"

Ash Wednesday Prayer Stations

Guide your congregation through six prayer stations on Ash Wednesday, as developed by Pastor Karen Slusser ’21 for use with her congregation.

Download Ash Wednesday Prayer Stations


The Seminary's 2024 “Big Book of Lenten Devotionals” gives you a valuable resource for personal and corporate spiritual formation during the Lenten season. From Day 1 through Easter, each section includes multiple biblical passages from the daily lectionary, reflections based on those passages, and accompanying prayers based on each reflection. Seminary alumnae/i, faculty, staff, Board members, and students have contributed to this resource to help enrich your Lenten worship for many years to come.

Download the Big Book of Lenten Devotionals (WORD)

Download the Big Book of Lenten Devotionals (PDF)


Selected previously released Lenten resources include:


Luke 23:26-47 tells the story of Jesus’ suffering as he hung on the cross. Though not to the degree of Jesus’ agony, last year the whole world experienced a kind of suffering unprecedented in our lifetime. As a result, this year Christians come to Good Friday with a more profound sense and understanding of suffering. The Rev. Carolyn Cranston '99 offers this Good Friday meditation. 

Download PDF


These insights by Christian spirituality and ministry professor the Rev. Dr. Roger Owens can aid you in forming Lenten disciplines that are helpful, realistic, and focused on honoring God, not yourself.

Read Blog


When kids ask questions about Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, you might find that you don’t really know how to answer them! Here you’ll find suggestions for what to say in response to some of those questions. You might even use them as the basis for a children’s sermon or Sunday school lesson, or for conversation at home around the dinner table.

Download PDF


This video looks at the stories related to Jesus' hands throughout the Gospels and could easily be used as a media presentation during a worship service, as part of a sunrise celebration, or as a jumping off point for an adult or youth education class. Be creative! This video comes with a lesson plan. Compliments of the Miller Summer Youth Institute.

Access Video

Download PDF



For additional Lenten resources, visit the Seasonal Resources - Lent page of our website.

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