Senior M.Div. student Jason Freyer was born and raised in Pittsburgh. He grew up attending Beulah Presbyterian Church and as a teenager he wanted to play in the praise band. First, however, the church would have to form a praise band. The moment they did, Jason and his friends started making music. Occasionally they would perform at other events where Jason would give a quick message, and he loved every moment of it.
Prompted by his love for music, Jason went to Indiana University of Pennsylvania to pursue a degree in music education. Half way through the program he started failing. His pastor called him and said, ‘You know you’re doing the wrong thing, right? Speaking to people is what you’re really good at.’ So he switched to religious studies.
After he graduated in 2006, Jason started full time as the director of Christian education at a local church and enrolled part time at Pittsburgh Seminary. He soon discovered that was he wasn’t ready yet, so he took a break for a few years before returning. He now serves as the high school youth director at Westminster PC in Upper Sinclair and is looking toward graduation next spring.
Reflecting on his past 10 years at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Jason sees that working full time in ministry while going to school has allowed his learning to have a home, a frame of reference. “For me, there was a disconnect between the theological and the practical. I constantly asked, ‘why do I need seminary? I know what I am doing.’ It’s been great to have that challenged because this—all the theological and Biblical studies—is what backs up all that I’ve been doing. It holds it all together.”
Jason is not sure where exactly God is leading him in ministry but he knows that whatever God calls him to, youth ministry will play a large role in it.
“Youth ministry a lot of times just seems to be what you do before you become a ‘real’ pastor. But youth ministry is where my passion lies because what you do in youth ministry has ripple effects throughout the entire church. However, eventually I will get too old for dodge ball.”
Jason and his wife, Sarah Fetterman, will continue to live and worship in Upper Sinclair until God reveals to them other plans.