Check back often to learn about new upcoming events and resources!
This page is for congregational leaders of the church - the people involved with Christian education, youth ministry, camp ministry, and the like. You know, the worker bees who make things happen for the children and adults in your community. We hope you will be able to attend the events and enjoy the resources as we add more details over the year. But, for now...
Free Webinar / Are We There Yet? Safe Travels with Youth / Lisa Brown
This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of best practices and insights on how to survive travelling with youth groups. Tips range from what type of suitcase works best to guidance on group travel in rural or urban areas.
Free Webinar / Planning and Organizing a Successful Vacation Bible School / Lisa Brown
Watch this video to with Lisa Brown, author of The Best VBS Workbook Ever!, for inspiration and VBS excitement. Whether your program is large or small, whether you buy a VBS boxed curriculum or create your own, during this webinar Lisa will share a wealth of practical ideas to make VBS effective in your congregation.
Other Ideas
If you have ideas or topics for us to consider for webinars, events, or other resources, let us know by . Thank you for all you do in your personal ministries!