Committee Descriptions
Advancement Committee - Shall consider and propose programs for the development of additional financial resources to support the Seminary's operation, including annual giving, capital improvements, and endowments
The Education Committee - Shall (1) oversee the educational program (2) oversee changes and revisions of the curriculum, courses of study, and requirements for admission (3) make recommendations concerning the promotion, demotion, tenure, and dismissal of members of the teaching staff (4) recommend tenure and sabbatical leave policies for faculty (5) recommend the degrees to be conferred annually
Finance Committee - Shall review the annual operating and capital budgets and oversee the management of the operating funds and endowments. The Committee is authorized to (1) borrow necessary funds to provide for operating expenses (2) transfer appropriations from one budget account to another (3) buy and sell securities in permanent and other funds of the Seminary.
Committee on Institutional Effectiveness - The Committee shall: (1) assure that the Board is an active partner in framing and assessing the strategic plan and is prepared to approve budgets and take actions which reflect the priorities of the strategic plan; (2) ensure that the strategic goals of the Seminary support its mission and are measured and monitored to track progress; (3) review Board practices and structure to improve Board function and Directors’ enrichment and engagement; (4) assure that ongoing Board education permits Directors to deepen their knowledge about issues in theological education and the broader issues of the denomination, the global church, and society; and (5) undertake periodic Board assessment to evaluate Board effectiveness, practices, and expectations of Directors. (to be reviewed and voted on at the May 2012 Board of Directors meeting.)
Nominations Committee - Shall (1) nominate persons for the executive offices of the Board (2) nominate persons for any vacancies on the Board (3) nominate directors for the elective memberships on the several permanent committees of the Board.
Property Committee - Shall (1) oversee the general maintenance and improvement of the grounds, buildings, and permanent equipment (2) recommend a general plan of the Seminary campus and any subsequent revision (3) recommend plans for new buildings and improvements of existing buildings (4) recommend the purchase of additional real estate within the general plan (5) recommend a program to provide all types of insurance coverage for the protection of the Seminary
Audit Committee - Shall supervise the financial reporting and controls policies and processes, including (1) the financial information provided by the Seminary to any governmental or regulatory body, the public, or other users (2) the Seminary’s systems of internal accounting and financial controls (3) the independent audit of the Seminary’s financial statements (4) the legal and ethical requirements applicable to financial reporting
Student Life Committee - Shall review matters affecting students of the Seminary, other than those related to the academic program, consider proposals on such matters, and make recommendations thereon to the Board