Step 1

Get a group of 5 or more people together. (All groups must have at least 5 people)

Step 2

Choose the group option that best meets your church/group's needs.

Group Option 1

$75/person to attend June 10 and 11 participating in two worship services, six lectures, two2 small group discussions, four meals (lunch and dinner both days) and all the coffee you can drink!

Group Option 2

$60/person to attend June 10 (7:00 p.m. lecture ONLY) and all day June 11 (includes one worship service, one small group, four lectures, two meals (lunch and dinner) and all the coffee you can drink!

Group Option 3

$30/person to attend both evening lectures (Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m.)

Group Option 4

$15/person to attend one evening lecture (Friday or Saturday at 7:00 p.m.)

Step 3

E-mail us at by May 15 with the number in your group, group name (church if applicable), leader name, and a phone number where we can reach you. 

Step 4

Payment: Provide us with a credit card number over the phone by calling 412-924-1443 or mail a check (made payable to Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) to SYI at 616 N. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh PA 15206.

Step 1

Get a group of 5 or more people together. (All groups must have at least 5 people)

Step 2

Choose the group option that best meets your church/group's needs.

Group Option 1

$75/person to attend June 10 and 11 participating in two worship services, six lectures, two2 small group discussions, four meals (lunch and dinner both days) and all the coffee you can drink!

Group Option 2

$60/person to attend June 10 (7:00 p.m. lecture ONLY) and all day June 11 (includes one worship service, one small group, four lectures, two meals (lunch and dinner) and all the coffee you can drink!

Group Option 3

$30/person to attend both evening lectures (Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m.)

Group Option 4

$15/person to attend one evening lecture (Friday or Saturday at 7:00 p.m.)

Step 3

E-mail us at by May 15 with the number in your group, group name (church if applicable), leader name, and a phone number where we can reach you. 

Step 4

Payment: Provide us with a credit card number over the phone by calling 412-924-1443 or mail a check (made payable to Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) to SYI at 616 N. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh PA 15206.