In the beginning were “the stirred,” and “the stirred” were with God. Seminary chapel bells ring in a new school year, and “the stirred” file into their classes. As a first year seminary student, I have already learned a few essential lessons: First, hermeneutics is not that rash that Uncle Ned contracted in 1998….
Tag: Seminary community
Year Two
Here it is. Second year. It’s interesting reflecting on this now when this time last year I wasn’t even certain about the first year. In my mind I tried to romanticize it, a reckless nomad at heart daring to seek her path regardless of the obstacles that lay before her. In truth, I was nervous,…
Remembering – The Core of our Lives and Ministries
This past week, I attended the 217th Commencement of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, along with many of my friends and colleagues. But I was not graduating. It was a strange feeling since those graduating were the very ones I entered Seminary with in 2010. Due to my middling academic abilities and the presence of young children in my…