The temptation is strong and will grow as your mission trip departure date approaches. The mere thought of traveling to and working in Third World communities is enough to get our anxiety working overtime: Will I be safe? Can I drink the water? Will I be able to handle the poverty? What will it be…
In Support of Pastors
When I was coming through seminary, I heard a few distinct messages loud and clear: “There won’t be a church job for you when you graduate, so don’t expect to find one.” “Don’t worry too much about understanding budgets, your church will have a financial secretary to help you with that.” “Taking on some…
Inside the PTS Curriculum: American Religious Biography
The “Inside the PTS Curriculum” series gives you an inside look at what students are learning in their courses at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Each article focuses on one class, its subject matter, what students can expect to learn, the required texts, and the kinds of assignments students can expect. We’ll let you know whether the…