The Rev. Ezequiel Herrera, a student in the certificate program for Adaptive and Innovative Ministry, is not shy about his enthusiasm for his studies at PTS. “I want to shout from the rooftops how extraordinary this program is,” he says. Why such high praise for AIM? He explains, “Everything I have learned so far—everything—I have…
The Spirituality of Saying Yes
I recently received one of those emails you just don’t see coming: a friend from 10-15 years ago asked me if I’d consider driving to New Jersey to officiate her cousin’s wedding. Less than two weeks later. What do you say when an out-of-the-blue opportunity comes along? I’ll admit, my first instinct is almost always…
Rachelle McCalla at the Intersection of Faith, Science, and Writing
Some students are drawn to a PTS academic program because of its breadth and flexibility. But for pastor and author Rev. Dr. Rachelle McCalla, the attraction was the specific content of the Science and Theology Doctor of Ministry focus. “One day my husband (also a Presbyterian pastor) informed me that Pittsburgh offered this degree focus,”…