On Nov. 8, 2022, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary installed five faculty members to endowed chairs in a service at Hicks Chapel. The faculty honored were the Rev. Dr. Leanna K. Fuller (Joan Marshall Chair in Pastoral Care), Dr. Scott J. Hagley (W. Don McClure Chair in World Mission and Evangelism), the Rev. Dr. Angela Dienhart Hancock (Howard C….
Planning a Sabbatical
This summer my congregation gifted me with a 13-week sabbatical. It provided a level of rest I didn’t know I needed, and a degree of renewal I didn’t think was possible. It will forever shape the course and quality of my ministry, and my heart is filled with gratitude for everyone who made it possible,…
Ministry in Strange Times
I was talking with one of our Adaptive and Innovative Ministry graduates recently, and he was describing a decision he made early on in the life of his young faith community. See, they started their life together not long before the pandemic, and because they were in New York the pandemic hit them and everyone…