People often ask me what the hardest part of ministry is. And usually they want me to name a particular part of my work: preaching a sermon, running a stewardship campaign, planning a mission trip, pastoral care, or administration of staff and volunteers. Each of these things could be hard. But they are not the…
The Dream of Seeing Color
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream for our nation. He also had a challenge. On the weekend celebrating his legacy, we tend to focus on the dream and minimize the challenge. The Aug. 28, 1963 “I Have A Dream” speech is one of the most historically significant speeches in American history…
PTS’s Director of Enrollment Works Hard, Plays Hard
What do seminary admissions departments, a group of parents, and the 1980’s “Bad Boys” Detroit Pistons have in common? All of them, Tracy Riggle Young would say, demonstrate the power of hard work and collaboration to accomplish great things. Tracy is Pittsburgh Theological Seminary’s senior director of enrollment services, leading the Seminary’s admissions team in…