A few weeks ago my wife and I made a pilgrimage from Pittsburgh, Pa., to Camp Sumatanga in Alabama—sacred ground for us Methodists. We were in Alabama on a retreat, the theme of which was Celtic spirituality. I basked in the hours of silence; enjoyed other people preparing my meals and cleaning up after; and…
Nursing Home Ministry
Nursing home ministry is different. Whether serving with an MDiv/MSW in Mt. Lebanon, Pa., or Orlando, Fla., I found that all ministries are intimate. Pastors are involved in weddings, funerals, divorce, baptisms; they are there for the key moments of the lives of congregants. In nursing home ministry, pastors experience these same things except they…
New Doctor of Ministry Degrees: Meeting Today’s Needs
As the world changes, those in ministry must meet new needs. To help prepare pastors, Pittsburgh Seminary is offering two new Doctor of Ministry focuses. The Missional Leadership and Urban Change DMins begin January 2015. The Urban Change Focus is designed to assist church leaders in framing and pursuing spiritually and socially transformative ministry responses…