Micah 6:8 gives the call to all Christians and all social workers: “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” I would argue that the values of social workers defined by the National Association of Social Workers Pennsylvania Chapter, of which…
What Mars Hill’s Latest News Means for Church Planting
The latest news in the unfurling of Seattle’s Mars Hill Church is particularly relevant for people who are planting and leading new churches. Much has already been written about Driscoll’s limitations and missteps in leadership, and their portents for similar leaders and congregations. But this step by Mars Hill’s leadership may be a positive sign…
Politics and People of Faith
In 1802, John Leland, a Baptist clergyman from Massachusetts, presented President Thomas Jefferson with a 1235-pound block of cheese. New England believers commissioned that “Mammoth Cheese” to celebrate Jefferson’s election. The gift also signaled appreciation for the President’s support of religious freedom. It’s hard to miss the irony in a member of the clergy bestowing…