“It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31: 8 If life had a rewind button, I would rewind back to my first year of seminary and assure myself that everything will be okay. I…
Category: Theological Reflection
A Senior Reflection: Paul Spangler
I’m thankful for this opportunity to write what I’m thinking because people are asking or assuming what I am thinking anyway. Yes, I am graduating and no, I do not know what I am doing after May 31. I plan on staying in my apartment until June 3 at noon, which is when I have…
A Senior Reflection: Minh Towner
My life has been a struggle, trying to survive in a foreign land far away from those I knew as a child and adult. This struggle took a different turn, had a different meaning after I accepted my call to attend PTS. Initially I felt like I was lost in the wilderness, a sojourner in…