Three years ago on a Saturday afternoon in Advent I was frantically rewriting the beginning of my sermon for the next morning. The day before a gunman had entered Sandy Hook Elementary School and killed 20 children and six adults. This Advent pastors are drafting sermons after another massacre. And many will try to address…
Category: Theological Reflection
Starbucks, Red Cups, and the Grace of Being Offended
While the Christian right and the left are hashing it out over Twitter, arguing about the merits and demerits of Starbucks’s new inclusive red cups, I want to press pause to ask the question: Is there anything this episode can teach us about the Christian spiritual life? The answer, I believe, is yes. We can…
Recommended Reading – Influential Theology Books
In October, seminaries and divinity schools around the country celebrate Theological Libraries Month. To join in the festivities, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary faculty answered the question, “Outside of the Bible, what book has had the most influence on your theology?” Here’s a list of their recommended reading. So, grab a cup of hot apple cider and a…