Reinhold Niebuhr is considered one of the towering theologians and public intellectuals of the 20th century. His books are still widely read, he is frequently quoted, he has often served as an important point of reference for leaders of all sorts (including many recent U.S. presidents)—and most recently he has become the subject of a…
Category: Theological Reflection
Why I am Not Doing Intinction Anymore
The following post originally appeared May 13, 2016, on the author’s blog as part of a series on communion. What is intinction? Intinction is the style of communion where a person takes a piece of bread (often ripping it off of the loaf) and dips it into a communal cup of wine (or often grape juice)….
Will you grow spiritually this year?
My kids were each wearing blue the other morning—Duke blue—when my seven-year-old daughter slipped into my bedroom as I was getting ready for work and saw the narrow blue stripes on my dress shirt. “Oh, good!” she declared. “You’re wearing blue too!” “Yes,” I said, “but I’m about to put on a green sweater.” She…