I want to express my sincere thanks for the concern and prayers that many of you had made related to our unborn daughter. I cannot fully verbalize what the prayers of the saints have meant but I can share a story. Yesterday, I went to a local coffee shop to do what I do…
Category: Theological Reflection
Facing the Dust Together: What Kate Bowler’s “Everything Happens for a Reason (And Other Lies I’ve Loved)” Taught Me about Ash Wednesday
For a few years, my middle child was afraid of Ash Wednesday. He’d sit patiently through the homily, mumble along with Psalm 51 as best he could, but balk at the main event: the imposition of ashes. So he’d stay behind in the pew while his brother, sister, and whichever parent wasn’t leading worship filed…
The Fight for . . . Not Against
In the midst of polarizing political and denominational battles, the word “fight” may turn many of you away from reading this. However, the fight I’m describing has nothing to do with political rhetoric and is far removed from congregational committees and denominational commissions. It is a fight that no one will know I am in…