I had some time to think about all I’ve experienced and learned this summer I thought it might be fun to make up a confessional list…merely for fun and memories not so academic. 1. I’ve been craving good hot dogs and Chickfila since china. 2. I’ve slept in ten different beds this summer and started…
Category: Ministry
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (and other things they do not teach you in Seminary)
There are all kinds of things that happen in church that seminary does not prepare you for. There was a Sunday where I got a bloody nose about 2/3 of the way through the sermon. I called it Bloody Sunday. This was never a scenario covered in preaching class. I just finished quickly with…
Seminary Students Sent into the World
Students from the Missiology class led chapel this week. Services were thematically guided by the idea that worship and mission ought to always be held together since worship and mission build up and express each other. One of the most significant moments in worship this week was hearing the Word of God read in…