I graduated from Pittsburgh Seminary last June with my M.Div. Six months ago, I began my first call. As the temporary, solo pastor at Mt. Nebo United Presbyterian Church. One of the unexpected blessings to my current call is that I manage a preschool. Last week I met with my head preschool teacher to discuss…
Author: ptsblog
Welcoming Doubters and Disciples at The Table
On any given Wednesday night in downtown Casper, Wyo., a group of once strangers gathers for a shared meal in a small retail shopping center. A store-front space on the upper level has been transformed into a living room-like venue. Through the large panes of glass windows you can glimpse comfortable couches, local art hanging…
Visit to Mother Emanuel
Just try to hide when you visit “Mother Emanuel” African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. They welcome you from the pulpit and ask you to stand. They hand you a microphone so you can give your name and your hometown. Then everyone sings Emanuel’s own welcome song, “Mother Emanuel Welcomes You.” As the song puts it,…