A while back, my covenant group at church read William P. Young’s novel, The Shack. Honestly, I do not believe I even finished it—although I remember being gratified that this book, then making the rounds in conservative Evangelical circles, depicted God as an African American woman! Still, my wife, Wendy, reminds me that I was dismissive…
Author: ptsblog
[Mis]managing Risk
I didn’t recognize the risk when I first strolled out of Home Depot with several eight-foot cedar boards and posts over my shoulder. I neglected to consider the possibility of failure when I started digging up my front yard. But when the cedar boards had been cut and built into an 8’x4’ box, and…
5 Practical Considerations for the Church Planting Process
In my years as a church planter, I’ve learned a thing or two. Here are my five practical considerations for the church planting process: 1. Work on a team. If there isn’t someone on your team who can tell you when you’re wrong without starting a fight, you’ll end up with an ineffective ministry. Your…