Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a civil holiday in the United States, celebrated on the third Monday of January each year (King’s birthdate was Jan. 15, 1929). However, many churches celebrate the legacy of the Rev. Dr. King in worship that weekend, with special attention to the way King’s Christian faith influenced his activism…
Author: ptsblog
Books for Pastors: Worship and Preaching
“What are some books that every pastor should read?” PTS faculty were asked this question in spring 2023. Consider these 15 recommendations for worship and preaching: Worship Lisa Nichols Hickman, The Worshiping Life: Meditations on the Order of Worship Melva Costen, African American Christian Worship 2nd Edition Lawrence Hull Stookey, Calendar: Christ’s Time for the…
A Summer of Attention
2023 SYI Curriculum Coordinator Reflects on Paying Attention “Attention . . . is the same thing as prayer.” – Simone Weil In summer 2023, I participated in the Miller Summer Youth Institute Fellowship for Undergraduates Program as a curriculum coordinator. Although this was my third year being a part of SYI, thanks to the pandemic…