What are some books that every pastor should read? PTS faculty were asked this question in spring 2023. Consider these 9 recommendations for historical theological studies: Karl Barth, The Word of God and Theology Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics III/4 (theological ethics) Augustine, Confessions Augustine, Homilies on the First Epistle of John Martin Luther, “The Freedom…
Author: ptsblog
Who Is My Neighbor? The Rev. Gad Mpoyo on Neighbor, “Other,” and Interconnectedness
Here at Pittsburgh Seminary, we seek to participate in God’s ongoing mission in the world by seeing and getting to know people as our neighbors. Challenged by Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan and inspired by Fred Rogers, who sang, “I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,” I am writing to…
Books for Pastors: Spirituality
“What are some books that every pastor should read?” PTS faculty were asked this question in spring 2023. Consider these 15 recommendations for spirituality: James A. Smith, On The Road with Saint Augustine: A Real- World Spirituality for Restless Hearts Henri Nouwen, Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit Roger Owens, Everyday Contemplative Barbara…